Interesting Read on Assessing Leaders and Leadership

Rob Kaiser, Bob Hogan and Craig Bartholomew have just published a provocative article entitled "Leadership and the fate of organizations" in the February-March 2008 issue of American Psychologist. One of their main arguments is that while the quality of leadership is a critical factor in shaping the success of an organization, most of the literature focuses upon the trajectory of a leader's career as opposed to the sucesss that he or she may experience in actually leading individuals, teams, and organizations.
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Steven Hunt Responds to Morgeson et al.

As might be expected, the original Morgeson et al. article has stirred quite a bit of interest. Due to limited space, Personnel Psychology was only able to print a limited number of responses. Steve Hunt of SuccessFactors also wrote an interesting reaction entitled Commentary on “Reconsidering the Use of Personality Tests in Personnel Selection Contexts”: Thoughts from a Practitioner Perspective that he was kind enough to permit us to post.

As space permits, we would also be interested in posting papers written by others on this as well as other topics that would be of interest to either the I-O Division or the larger I-O community. If you have something that you would like to share, please send it our way.

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I-O Division Input on Revised Testing Standards

As all are likely aware, the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing are currently being revised. The ATP I-O Division has created a Task Force of volunteer members to provide input from both a publisher and professional perspective. The Task Force, chaired by Joseph Orban, will present on its findings at the upcoming ATP Conference during a session scheduled for Tuesday, March 4 @ 1:30 to 2:30 PM in the Ft. Worth 5 Room) Additionally, SIOP has posted the comments of its Task Force.
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