The Model Guidelines for Pre-employment Integrity Testing are in the process of revision. Initial ATP member input is needed by June 15, 2008. The following is from Jack Jones:
If you are an ATP member and need a copy of the Guidelines, please contact the I-O Division blog.To: ATP’s Industrial-Organizational Division Members
From: Jack Jones, Ph.D., Vangent, Inc.
Date: May 13, 2008
RE: “Model Guidelines” Update
I have been appointed by William G Harris, ATP’s Chief Executive Officer, to serve as the Chair of the Model Guidelines Revision Committee. I am being assisted by Dr. David W. Arnold who will serve as the Committee’s Chief Legal Advisor. Dave and I will be selecting a core Task Force to oversee this project, but we intend to provide all ATP Industrial-Organizational Division members the opportunity to participate in this revision process.
As you might know, the “Model Guidelines for Pre-employment Integrity Testing” were last updated in 1996. They were originally published in 1991. My ambitious goal is to have a copy of the revised guidelines ready for release at ATP’s Annual Conference in 2009, if not sooner. The key steps to this project include:
1. Phase 1: Needs Analysis - Surveying ATP members and special external contributors to assess their perspectives on what new sections and topics need to be addressed in the 2009 version of the Model Guidelines based on new types of integrity tests, technologies, market trends, laws, etc. that have evolved over the past decade. (In fact your first assignment, if interested, is to review the attached Model Guidelines and either send me a fax or email that provides your perspective on those topics/areas that need to be addressed in the updated version of the Model Guidelines. Please try to get me this information by June 15th at the latest and then Dave Arnold and I will compile a summary report for your review.)
2. Phase 2: Strategic Focus - The Task Force will focus on the most important topics that need to be addressed in the revised edition of the Model Guidelines. “Importance” will be defined as those business, professional, and legal topics that need to be effectively addressed to ensure the ongoing viability of pre-employment integrity testing as both a science and a practice. The results from the Phase 1 survey will be used to assist in this determination, as will consultations with leading experts in the field of pre-employment integrity testing.
3. Phase 3: Task Force Specialization – The Task Force members will be assigned a key section of the Model Guidelines and will be responsible for updating and revising the targeted section. Dave Arnold and I will then review and compile their work to establish a first draft of the revised guidelines. This draft will then be sent out to all key contributors for their feedback and then a 2nd draft will be quickly prepared.
4. Phase 4: Broader External Review – Special interest groups and associations will then be invited to provide feedback on the revised guidelines and will hopefully provide us with an endorsement along with approval to use their organization’s name in the document.
5. Phase 5: ATP Board Approval – The revised Model Guidelines will be submitted to ATP’s Board for final approval. Any final edits will be made at this time.
6. Phase 6: Marketing and Public Relations – Lauren Scheib will work with the Task Force to prepare press releases announcing both the purpose and the availability of these new guidelines.
I hope you embrace this project and contribute to the Phase 1 effort immediately. Remember we are looking for broader themes and macro-level topics in the Phase 1 survey. We will drill down to specific bullet points once we clearly understand what needs to be added/updated. Both my fax number and my e-mail are listed below. Please include all contact information when send a fax or email. Thanks in advance for your contributions!
Regards -
John W. “Jack” Jones, Ph.D.
Vice President & Chief Scientist
Human Capital Division
Vangent, Inc.
One North Dearborn St., Suite 1600
Chicago, IL 60602
O: 312-242-4422
M: 312-636-6912
F: 312-242-4210
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